13th Jan, 2020

Millennium Hotels and Resorts Toasts To A New Beginning

13 January 2020 – It was certainly a bright and merry celebration as more than 300 staff of Millennium & Copthorne Hotels (M&C) celebrated the year end festivities with their Executive Chairman, Mr Kwek Leng Beng, at the Copthorne Tara Hotel in London.

It was a special Christmas 2019 for M&C as it was the first year the hotel group celebrated as a private company after 23 years on the London Stock Exchange. Listed in 1996, M&C was delisted on 11 October 2019 following a successful privatisation exercise launched by City Developments Limited (CDL), its major shareholder. Taking full control of M&C would allow CDL to conduct a more holistic review of its hotel operations and accelerate M&C’s integration with initiatives that would maximise shareholder value.

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